Income inequality - We should be concerned with consumption levels making sure minimums are easily satisfied. Complete consumption equality is a fools errand—see below. Income equality even more so. Fortunately, income inequality is not at all what so many assume it to be. Thus, the minimums of consumption that we should seek are largely and increasingly being met.
Environmental implications of plastics use and disposal - The mismanagement of waste disposal, everything from landfills to recycling, is a problem—see below. Plastics themselves are not.
Illegal immigration - Labeling it "illegal" does not make it truly wrong or effectively problematic in and of itself. That reasoning suffers from begging the question. What that labeling does do is make a complicated, expensive mess out of an opportunity.
Real but Greatly Exaggerated
Opportunity inequality - When there are unequal opportunities among various groups, it is generally a fleeting problem best addressed by more economic growth and fewer regulatory barriers. Fortunately as we peel back the surface, we find that most apparent inequality is explained by choices freely made by the people directly involved.
Microplastics pollution - The presence of microplastics seems concerning, but it is best to look at the evidence dispassionately. It is then that we find less reason for alarm.
The impact of new immigrants on local government services - Immigration restrictions prevent immigrants from easily finding their fit—where to work and live. This is true of legal and illegal migrants. Fortunately, they still do find self-sufficiency even though most government services are shut off to them. As a result, their use of and burden to government services is quite limited. Where they do strain local-government resources, it is largely because those local (as well as state and national) governments are a dysfunctional mess—they seek contradictory goals like welcoming but not enabling (e.g., providing shelter and support but denying the right to work). It turns out the welfare state works at cross purposes to self-sufficiency and is itself a strain on government resources. Who knew?
Real but Misunderstood
Consumption inequality - Start with a general principal that privation is a problem to be solved. From there consider where and why we see continued privation. Great progress is continually being made. The problem persists in the places where freedom is least found.
The disposal of plastics - As a complete surprise to no serious thinker, having the government in charge of plastic waste disposal is a recipe for disaster.
The chaotic situation at the U.S. southern border - The mismanagement of immigration becomes a visible failure when we look at the events at the southern border over the bulk of Biden’s term. Make no mistake, though, the problem is the bottleneck causing the disorderly queue not the queue itself. Many look at those attempting to enter with dismay and fear, but how else would desperate people put through a horrible process look? Fortunately, looks can be deceiving.